[Autumn 2022–Spring 2023]


Literature database 

The Playful Hybrid Higher Education Bibliography lists 223 publications that discuss hybridity, play and (higher) education.
Download the Bibliography here.

December 2022

Literature data - bibliometric analysis

In Winter 2022, a systematic literature search on key terminology was conducted using the University of Calgary library catalogue.

The results of that search are as follows:

Of these University of Calgary library catalogue searches, the following number of finds were included in our literature database:

In addition, relevant literature from other sources was added, bringing the total of items in the literature database to 156 at that time.

The mayjority of the items included in our literature data base in December 2022 were journal articles (66), followed by books (44) and conference papers (18).

For 146 of those 156 items, we were able to identify a publication date. Of those 146 items, 82 were published post-pandemic (2020-2022) and 74 pre-pandemic (1850-2019).

Each item was tagged with keywords. The Network Plot below illustrates the database literature keyword connections of those 156 items.

Selected quotes 

Beetham, H., & MacNeill, S. (2023). Beyond Blended. Jisc.

Forbes, L., & Thomas, D. (2022). Professors at Play PlayBook. Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press. 

Nørgård, R. T., & Hilli, C. (2022). Hyper-Hybrid Learning Spaces in Higher Education. In E. Gil, Y. Mor, Y. Dimitriadis, & C. Köppe (Eds.), Hybrid Learning Spaces (pp. 25–41). Springer International Publishing.